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upsssc junior analyst food syllabus pdf download सिलेक्शन लेने के लिए

upsssc junior analyst food syllabus pdf download
upsssc ने junior analyst के पदो पर विज्ञापन निकाला है इस मे फोर्म भरने के लिए आप के पास pg कि डिग्री होनी चाहिए इस vacancy मे बाकि कि vacancy से कम फोर्म भरे जाऐगे क्योकि pg कि डिग्री बहत कम छोत्रो के पास होती है इस vacancy मे सिलेक्शन लेने के लिए आप को exam pattern और exam syllabus का पता होना चाहिए चलिए जानते है upsssc junior analyst food का syllabus क्या है

upsssc junior analyst food exam pattern

upsssc junior analyst मे आप से चार विषय से प्रशन पुछे जाऐगे इस मे total 100 प्रशन होगे जो 100 नंबर के होगे इन्हे हल करने के लिए आप को 120 मिनट का समह दिया जाऐगा इस Exam मे 0.25 marks कि negative marking होती है इस लिए अपने प्रशन थोडा ध्यान से करे
Subject Question Marks
General knowledge 20 Question 20 Marks
Computer 10 Question 10 Marks
Hindi 30 Question 30 Marks
Technical 40 Question 40 Marks
Total 100 Question 100 Marks

upsssc junior analyst food syllabus

upsssc junior analyst मे आप से Technical विषय से ज्यादा प्रशन पुछे जाते है इस लिए ज्यादा से ज्यादा ध्यान Technical विषय पर दे इस लिए Technical विषय का syllabus थोडा ज्यादा दिया गया है चलिए जानते है आप को किस विषय मे क्या पढना होता है

General Knowledge

History , Culture , Art , Architecture , Festivals , Folk Dance ,Literature , Regional languages , Heritage social customs and tourism , Geographical landscape and environment , Natural resources , Climate , Soil , Forest employment , Polity , current affairs


History , introduction and application of computer, information technology , Internet and world wide web(www),Hardware and software , Input and Output ,Internet protcol , email , ms office , operating system , social networking , e-governance , digital financial tools and application , cyber security , etc


Writing ability , Vocabulary , Grammar , Sentence structure , Comprehension


FSAI - Role , function, initiatives
Genesis and evolution of fssai , structure and functions of food authority , overview of systems and processes in dtandards , enforcement, laboratory ecosystem , promoting safe and wholesome food, food hub, training and capacity building , role of state food authorities

Food preservation
Food processubg operations , principles , good manufacturing practices , overview of food packaging
Principles and basic of food chemistry and their role in human nutrition
Structure and functions of macro-and micronutrients, role of macro and micronutrients in human nurrition , overview of food additives ,anti-nutrational,enzymes as food processing , nutraceuticals and functions foods, food allergens and allergencity , impotance of diet in alleviating health risks
Food Microbiology & General principles of food hygiene
General principles of food microbiology ,microbial food spoilage and food borne dieseases ,Genral principles and techniques in microbiological , overview of beneficail microorganisms and their role in food , GMP, GAP, GHP, GLP,BAP,HACCP
Indian and International food laws
Food safty and standards Act of india , 2006 provision , definitions and different section of the act and implementation , fss rules and regulations , APEDA, BIS EIC , MPEDA , Internationak food control systems/laws ,overview of CODEX alimentarious , commission , SPS/TBT, Important national and international accrediation bodies

upsssc junior analyst food syllabus pdf download


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